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Medical Education Scholarship Initiative


The mission of the Medical Education Scholarship Initiative (MESI) is to advocate for and promote medical education scholarship in order to improve patient care.


The initiative is a collaboration among the Department of Medical Education, the Department of Humanities in Medicine, the Office of Professional Development, the Medical Sciences Library, and the Office of Evaluation and Assessment.

  • This program provides faculty and staff with the knowledge, skills, and supportive community needed to create medical education research projects that can enhance teaching for themselves and others.
  • The program consists of information, through workshops and resources, that will help faculty design, evaluate, and communicate their research while providing opportunities for collaboration.

    MESI Communities
    • MESI Community One: Medical Education Scholarship
    • MESI Community Two: Anti-Bias Curriculum along with Arts and Humanities in Medicine


Participants will identify a goal related to conducting medical education scholarship and then formulate and work through a process to reach their goal. Participants will benefit from having opportunities to collaborate, give and receive feedback, and practice their scholarship through the MESI Communities.


For more information or if you are interested in participating, contact