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Support Laboratories Equipments for IMIL

Imaging Workstation

Only current users analyzing images taken on IMIL microscopes are allowed to use this resource

  • Dell Precision 5820: Intel® Xeon® 3.70GHz, 128 GB RAM, and NVIDIA Quatro P4000 8GB   
  • Bitplane Imaris 10.1 with filliment module.
  • Olympus CellSens
  • ImageJ/FIJI
  • QuPath


Histology Laboratory

Only current users preparing samples for imaging experiments on IMIL microscopes are allowed to use these facilities

  • Fridge - ThermoScientific 20LFEETSA (4C)
  • Freezer - ThermoScientific Forma 900 series (-80C)
  • Chemical hood - Venturi Supreme Air
  • Cryostat - Leica CM1850
  • Microtome - Thermo/Microm HM 355S
  • Tissue processor - Thermo/Microm STP 120
  • Tissue embedding center- Thermo/Microm Shandon Histocenter 3
  • Vibrotome - Leica VT1000P
  • Floatation Workstation Smart Waterbath- TBS-FWS

Histology Lab

Cell Culture Laboratory

Only current users preparing samples for imaging experiments on IMIL microscopes are allowed to use these facilities

  • 2 Biological safety cabinets - NuAire NU-540-400
  • 6 Incubators - NuAire CO2 water-jacketed -NU-5800/E-12
  • Fridge - ThermoScientific TSXSeries (4C)
  • Freezer - ThermoScientific 20LFEETSA (-20C)
  • Freezer - ThermoScientific Forma 900 series (-80C)
  • Waterbath - Precision, model 51221054
  • 2 Inverted Microscopes - Zeiss Invertoskop
  • Centrifuge- Eppendorf 5810

Cell Culture Lab

Tissue Prep Laboratory

Only current users preparing samples for imaging experiments on IMIL microscopes are allowed to use these facilities

  • Fridge - ThermoScientific 20LFEETSA (4C)
  • Freezer - ThermoScientific 20LFEETSA (-20C)
  • Dissecting Microscope - Zeiss Stemi 2000-C
  • Biological safety cabinet - Forma Scientific CCI 1240-4

Tissue Prep Lab