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Psychological Assessment

The Adult ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation (ages 18+) is conducted by a licensed psychologist with expertise and experience in the diagnosis of ADHD and other conditions affecting personal adjustment and performance in school, work, and social settings. As part of our training clinic mission, the psychologist may be assisted by advanced psychology doctoral students working under direct supervision.

This is a 360-degree examination with data gathered from the client and observers (both current and childhood). The assessment typically includes a clinical interview, structured developmental history provided by a childhood caregiver/parent, and a variety of behavior and symptom rating scales. Neurocognitive tests and other psychological measures may be employed to aid in diagnosis. The measures may be administered via our telehealth platforms and/or in-person testing (if telehealth is deemed inappropriate). The evaluation includes a review of findings session and provision of a written report rendering applicable diagnoses and recommendations for counseling intervention, medication treatment, academic disability accommodations, and additional testing that may benefit the client.

The cost of the Adult ADHD Evaluation is $750.00; with $375.00 due when the initial session is scheduled and $375.00 due when the report is delivered.

NOTE: Additional testing is required to meet the stringent criteria for disability accommodations on academic/professional standardized assessments (e.g., SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT) and recommendations/referral will be made for persons needing accommodations on those tests.

Additional Psychological Testing

These measures are selected by the attending psychologist to further clarify diagnostic issues raised in an initial Adult ADHD/other psychological evaluation or psychotherapy. These instruments may include measures of intellectual ability, neurocognitive functioning, learning styles, academic achievement, personality traits, vocational/career interests, or other issues identified during the evaluation. The need for additional testing will be discussed with the client prior to proceeding with any test administration. Additional testing may be administered via telehealth platforms or in-person. Costs are typical $200 per hour but will vary depending on the type of tests administered and all costs must be approved by the client before testing proceeds.