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Core Equipments of IMIL

Olympus VS120 Virtual Slide Scanning System

  • 100-slide capacity for high throughput Imaging
  • Transmitted light brightfield and epi-fluorescence scanning
  • Automated sample identification and focus.
  • Advanced stitching for tiled montage images

Fluorescence light source: LED Lumencor SOLA

Digital monochrome camera: Hamamatsu ORCA Flash4.0 V2

Color camera: 2/3” CCD camera, 3.45 μm x 3.45 μm pixel size

Fluorescence filters:

  • DAPI ZERO LED: Ex392/23, Em447/60, Dichroic409 (DAPI, AF405, BFP, Pacific Blue)
  • FITC ZERO LED: Ex474/27, Em525/45, Dichroic495 (FITC, GFP, Cy2, AF488)
  • MCherry ZERO LED: Ex578/21, Em641/75, Dichroic596 (mCherry, TexasRed, mRFP)
  • Cy5 ZERO LED: Ex635/18, Em680/42, Dichroic652 (Cy5, AF647, APC)


Objective Mag. NA Immersion WD (μm)
PlanApo N 2x 0.08 dry 6200
UPlanSApo 10x 0.4 dry 3100
UPlanSApo 20x 0.75 dry 600
UPlanSApo 40x 0.95 dry 180