Houston Aggie Medical Society
Houston Aggie Medical Society (HAMS)

Houston Aggie Medical Society (HAMS) is a newly-formed organization dedicated to advancing the recent affiliation of the Texas A&MCollege of Medicine and Houston Methodist Hospital. Currently, the College of Medicine has 48 future physicians completing their clinical training at the world-renowned Houston Methodist Hospital, and that number will continue to increase in the future. This is an exciting time for the College of Medicine and the Houston Methodist Hospital.
As fellow Houston Aggies, we invite you to join us in support of this dynamic, new partnership and in support of our third-and fourth-year medical students.
Your involvement can be in a variety of areas, including serving on the founding board, helping to host welcome dinners, mentoring/adopting students as host families, or simply showing support through your membership.
Following is a small example of how your donations and involvement will help the Houston campus medical students:
- Adopt-an-Aggie - a program that will pair a medical student with a local family during their stay in Houston to provide advice, support, and perhaps an occasional meal together
- Food for students - snacks/meals for the students during exam periods
- Houston event tickets - donated tickets for students to attend local sports or cultural events
- Holiday event - a special reception for Texas A&M medical students and HAMS members in conjunction with the annual Margaret Alkek Williams holiday concert for Methodist patients and friends
- White Coat Day - a welcome event for the new group of A&M medical students arriving in January
- Match Day - a celebration to recognize the residency assignments awarded to our charter class of Texas A&M - Houston medical school graduates.
We encourage you to become a member, get involved, and celebrate Texas A&M with us.
You may donate any amount, however, funding levels will be credited as follows:
- $100 = Active
- $250 = Supporter
- $1,000 = Benefactor
- $5,000 Lifetime Member
Make checks payable to the Texas A&M Foundation and mail to:
David M. Boggan
Texas A&M College of Medicine
8441 Riverside Pkwy
CB1, Ste. 3100, MS1359
Bryan, TX 77807
Founding Members
- Anne '80 and Brett Hamilton '77
- Vicki '79 and Bob Harvey '77
- Tara and David Wuthrich '84