Xin Wu, MD
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience & Experimental Therapeutics
8447 John Sharp Pkwy
2012 Medical Research and Education Building,
Phone: 979.436.0325
Fax: 979.436.0086
Education and Training
- Nantong Medical College, MD Medicine, 1985
- Suzhou Medical College, MS, Medical Physiology, 1993
Research Interests
- Mechanical forces are known to stimulate a number of cell signaling pathways, including those initiated by or resulting in ion channel activation. My recent research in cardiovascular and neuronal systems focuses on: (1) Which ion channels are activated by mechanical stress; (2) Which ion channels are modulated by integrins; (3) How integrin-mediated signaling pathways modulate ion channel function and mechanotransduction in physiological and pathological conditions; (4) Epilepsy study, Neurosteroids and New Drug Development.
- My technical approaches include: (1) Nano-technique (atomic force microscopy with/without immunofluorescence) in fresh isolated living cells to address mechanical properties in physiological and pathological condition (e.g. diabetes or/and hypertension); (2) Electrophysiology and optical imaging techniques in native or gene transfected cells, and in tissues to probe the signaling pathways; (3) Histocytochemistry, stereology, PCR, and co-expression of ion channels, and/or intracellular molecules in HEK cells or fresh isolated cells, and site-directed mutagenesis strategies to understand the details in the signaling pathways; (4) Single fresh cell isolation techniques including isolating vascular smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, neuronal cells, cardiomyocytes, etc; and isolated and canulated blood and lymphatic vessels (diameter <100 micrometer) methods and Langendorff heart preparations to allow interpretation of biological responses; (5) Single cell stretching using two or three microelectrodes and application of protein-coated microbeads to single cells while performing electrophysiological recording to document characteristics of mechanosensitivity; (6) Imaging, and cardiovascular and nervous systems implanting and real-time monitoring (e.g. EEG/ECG and behaviors) to deal with systemic functional changes in animal models; (7) LC-MS/MS to study drug structure, pharmacokinetics and potential drug development.
- Our study will provide an important connection between extracellular matirx and cardiovascular and neuronal regulation in tissue injury and remodeling.