Mark S. Sicilio, MD

Associate Department Head
Primary Care & Population Health and Humanities in Medicine
Clinical Building I, Room 2529
8441 John Sharp Parkway
A graduate of the Charter Class of the Texas A&M College of Medicine, Dr. Sicilio has worked in pediatrics for and with infants, children, adolescents and young adults for 35 years, and was the initial physician for the Scott & White Clinic, College Station, Texas. He was humbled to be selected by his peers to be a Texas Monthly "Super Doctor."
Over 30 years ago, he was the youngest faculty member ever elected to the Faculty Senate and he continues to serve, as caucus leader for the College of Medicine, and on the Executive Committee for the entire Faculty Senate.
He serves on the Aggie Honor Council, where he has participated in discussions and offered opinions regarding students violating the Aggie Honor Code which states, "An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do." He is the Interim Associate Head for the Department of Humanities in Medicine and he has served as Vice Chair, Student Promotions Committee for the College of Medicine.
Regarding general educational efforts, he has advocated for inter-collegiate and inter-professional collaboration on the Core Curriculum Committee of the University, and has participated in a wide variety of curricular revisions and offerings in the School of Medicine. He has served as a frequent Clinical Sciences Integration Exercise (CSIE) facilitator and a member of the Quiz Review Committee. In pediatrics, he has served as discipline leader for pre-clinical efforts and lecturer on a wide range of topics regarding infants through young adults, and as faculty adviser for the Pediatric Interest Group.
As Interim Associate Head, Department of Humanities in Medicine, he has worked with Dr. Patricia Watson and other faculty, on developing and participating in White Coat Experience debriefing experiences, facilitating small group discussions on ethical issues in the Humanities, Ethics, Altruism, Leadership (HEAL) curriculum, and has been the course director for the department's Medical Spanish offerings, and has offered elective experiences discussing the "Lives, Times, and Health of Famous Americans and Texans."