J. Thomas Cunningham

Senior Associate Dean for Research
Curriculum Vitae
Medical Physiology
8447 John Sharp Parkway
Tom Cunningham did his graduate training in the Department of Psychology and Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Iowa with Alan Kim Johnson and my postdoctoral training was with Leo Renaud, M.D., Ph.D. at McGill University and the University of Ottawa followed by work with Francois Abboud, M.D. at the University of Iowa. At the University of Missouri, he was Block Director for the Neuroscience block for first year medical students for 7 years and was a member of the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center. He moved to UT Health San Antonio in 2006 join the Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience and was chair of their Committee for Graduate Studies for two years. In 2009, He moved to the UNT Health Science Center as Professor of Integrative Physiology and Director of their Cardiovascular Research Center. Prior to joining Texas A&M, Dr. Cunningham was the Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Regents Professor of Physiology and Anatomy at the UNTHSC. His areas of teaching include neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, endocrinology, and the pharmacology of anesthetics and analgesics. His laboratory studies the role of the central nervous system in body fluid homeostasis and blood pressure regulation and has continuous funding from NIH since 1995. His laboratory’s long-term goal is to determine how changes in CNS network function contribute to chronic human diseases. He has been active in reviewing grants for the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health and served as chair of a standing NIH study section (Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms, and Sleep). He currently belongs to the American Physiological Society, the Society for Neuroscience, the American Heart Association, the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic the Pan-American Neuroendocrine Society, and the International Society for Regulatory Peptides.
Education and Training
- University of Iowa, Ph.D. in Biological Psychology, 1988
- University of Iowa, M.A. in Biological Psychology, 1984
- Eastern Illinois University, B.S. with Honors in Psychology, 1982
Research Interests
- the central nervous system’s contributions to health and diseases though its interactions with the cardiovascular system and the brain’s role in the normal maintenance of blood pressure and fluid balance.
Awards, Recognition and Service
- Lenard Share Service Award, Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Section of American Physiological Society. 2018
- Regents Professor, Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System, UNT Health Science Center, 2017
- Outstanding Graduate Faculty Member of the Year, Graduate Student Association, UNT Health Science Center, 2016
- Star Reviewer f the American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, Fall 2013.
- Golden Apple Teaching Award, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UNTHSC, Spring 2013
- President’s Award for Faculty Research, UNTHSC, Spring 2012
- Excellence in Preclinical Education, School of Dentistry, UNTHSC, Spring 2009
- Award for Excellence in Preclinical Medical Education, University of Missouri-Columbia. Spring 2001.
- Dorsett L. Spurgeon, MD, Distinguished Medical Research Award. University of Missouri- Columbia School of Medicine, Fall 2000.
- American Physiological Society Young Investigator Award in Regulatory and Integrative Physiology, April 1999.
- Award for Excellence in Preclinical Medical Education, University of Missouri-Columbia. Spring 1998.
Representative Publications
J Thomas Cunningham - Google Scholar
1. Randall, W., Johnson, R.F., Randall, S., & Cunningham, J.T. (1985).
Circadian rhythms in food intake and activity in the domestic cat.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 99, 1162-1175.
2. Randall, W., Cunningham, J.T., Randall, S., Liittschwager, J., & Johnson, R.F. (1987).
A two-peak circadian system in activity and body temperature in the domestic cat.
Journal of Thermal Biology, 12, 27-37.
3. McRae-Degueurce, A., Cunningham, J.T., Bellin, S., Landas, S. Wilkin, L., &
Johnson, A.K. (1987). Fetal noradrenergic cell suspensions transplanted into aminedepleted
nuclei of adult rats. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 495,
4. Callahan, M.F., Cunningham, J.T., Kirby, R.F., Johnson, A.K., & Gruber, K.A. (1988).
Role of the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region of the rat brain in the pressor
response to gamma2-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (gamma2-MSH). Brain
Research, 444, 177-180.
5. Cunningham, J.T. & Johnson, A.K. (1989). Decreased norepinephrine in the ventral
lamina terminalis region is associated with angiotensin II drinking response deficits
following local 6-hydroxydopamine injections. Brain Research, 480, 65-71.
6. Callahan, M.F., Kirby, R.F., Cunningham, J.T., Sloop, S. L., Johnson, A.K., McCarty,
R., & Gruber, K.A. (1989). Central oxytocin systems may mediate a cardiovascular
response to acute stress in rats. American Journal of Physiology, 256, H1369-H1377.
7. Edwards, G.L., Cunningham, J.T., Beltz, T. G., & Johnson, A. K. (1990).
Neuropeptide Y immunoreactive cells in the caudal medulla project to the median
preoptic nucleus. Neuroscience Letters, 102, 29-34.
8. Randall, W., Cunningham, J.T., & Randall, S. (1990). Sounds from an animal colony
entrain circadian rhythms in the cat, Felis catus L. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle
Research, 21, 51-64.
9. Cunningham, J.T., Sullivan, M.J., Edwards, G.L., Farinpour, R., Beltz, T.G. &
Johnson, A.K. (1991). Dissociation of experimentally induced drinking by ibotenate
injections into the median preoptic nucleus. Brain Research, 554, 153-158.
10. Cunningham, J. T. & Johnson, A.K. (1991). The effects of central norepinephrine
infusions on drinking behavior induced by angiotensin after 6-hydroxydopamine
injections into the anteroventral region of the third ventricle (AV3V). Brain Research,
558, 112-116.
11. Hu, B., Cunningham, J.T., Nissen, R., Renaud, L.P., & Bourque, C.W. (1992).
Rat supraoptic nucleus is histologically and physiologically resistant to glutamate
neurotoxicity. NeuroReport, 3, 87-90.
12. Cunningham, J.T., Nissen, R., & Renaud, L.P. (1992). Ibotenate lesions of the
diagonal band of Broca attenuate baroreceptor sensitivity of rat supraoptic
vasopressin neurons. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 4, 303-309.
13. Cunningham, J.T., Beltz, T.G., Johnson, R.F., & Johnson, A.K. (1992). The
effects of ibotenate lesions of the median preoptic nucleus on experimentally induced
and circadian drinking behavior in rats. Brain Research, 580, 325-330.
14. Cunningham, J.T., Nissen, R., & Renaud, L.P. (1992). Catecholamine depletion
of the diagonal band attenuates baroreceptor-induced inhibition of rat supraoptic
vasopressin neurons. American Journal of Physiology, 263, R363-R367.
15. Cunningham, J.T., Nissen, R., & Renaud L.P. (1993). Noradrenaline injections in
the diagonal band selectively reduce supraoptic vasopressin neural activity. Brain
Research, 610, 152-155.
16. Nissen, R, Cunningham, J.T., & Renaud, L.P. (1993). Lateral hypothalamic
lesions alter baroreceptor- and diagonal band-evoked inhibition of rat supraoptic
vasopressin neurones. Journal of Physiology, 470, 751-766.
17. Cunningham, J.T., Nissen, R., & Renaud, L. P. (1994). Perinuclear zone and
diagonal band lesions enhance angiotensin responses of rat supraoptic nucleus
neurons. American Journal of Physiology, 267, R916-R920.
18. Cunningham, J.T., Wachtel, R.E., & Abboud, F.M. (1995) Whole cell currents
stimulated by hypoosmotic stretch in putative aortic baroreceptor neurons in vitro.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 73, 2094-2098.
19. Chapleau, M.W., Cunningham, J.T., Sullivan, M.J., Wachtel, R.E., & Abboud,
F.M. (1995) Structural versus functional modulation of the arterial baroreflex.
Hypertension, 26, 341-347.
20. Johnson A.K., Cunningham J.T., & Thunhorst R.L. (1996). Integrative Role of the
Lamina Terminalis in the regulation of cardiovascular and body fluid homeostasis.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 23, 183-191.
21. Cunningham, J.T., Wachtel, R.E., & Abboud, F.M. (1997) Whole cell currents
produced by neurite stimulation in putative aortic baroreceptor neurons in vitro. Brain
Research, 757, 149-157.
22. Li, Q., Sullivan, M.J., Dale, W.E., Hasser, E.M., Blaine, E.H. & Cunningham, J.T.
(1998) Fos-like immunoreactivity in the medulla following acute and chronic
angiotensin II infusion. J. Pharmacol. Exper. Therap, 284, 1165-1173.
23. Randolph, R.R. Li, Q., Curtis, K.S., Sullivan, M.J., & Cunningham, J.T. (1998)
Fos Expression following isotonic volume expansion of the unanesthetized male rat.
American Journal of Physiology: Reg. Int. Comp. Physiol., 274, R1345-R1352.
24. Kraske, S., Cunningham, J.T., Sullivan, M.J., Haduczok, G., Wachtel, R.E., &
Abboud, F.M. (1998). Mechanosensitive ion channels in putative aortic baroreceptor
neurons. American Journal of Physiology: Heart & Circulatiory Physiology, 275,
25. Curtis, K.S., Cunningham, J.T., & Heesch, C.M. (1999). Fos expression in brain
stem nuclei of pregnant rats after hydralazine-induced hypotension. American Journal
of Physiology: Reg. Int. Comp. Physiol., 277, R532-R540
26. Grindstaff, R.J., Grindstaff,, R.R., Sullivan, M.J. & Cunningham, J.T. (2000). The
role of the locus coeruleus in the baroreceptor regulation of vasopressin supraoptic
neurons. American Journal of Physiology: Reg. Int. Comp. Physiol. 279, R306-R319.
27. Grindstaff R.R, Grindstaff, R.J. & Cunningham, J.T. (2000). Effects of atrial
stretch on vasopressin and oxytocin supraoptic neurons in the rat. American Journal
of Physiology: Reg. Int. Comp. Physiol. 278, R1605-R1615.
28. Grindstaff RJ. Grindstaff RR. Cunningham JT. (2000). Baroreceptor sensitivity of
rat supraoptic vasopressin neurons involves noncholinergic neurons in the DBB.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative & Comparative Physiology.
29. Grindstaff RR. Cunningham JT. (2001). Lesion of the perinuclear zone
attenuates cardiac sensitivity of vasopressinergic supraoptic neurons. American
Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative & Comparative Physiology.
30. Cunningham, J.T., Freeman, R.H., & Howokawa, M. (2001). Integration of
neuroscience and endocrinology in hybrid PBL curriculum. Adv. Physiol. Educ. 25:
31. Lohmeier, T.E. Lohmeier, J.R. Warren, S., May, P.J. & Cunningham, JT. (2002)
Sustained activation of the central baroreceptor pathway in angiotensin hypertension.
Hypertension . 39:550-556.
32. Cunningham JT, Grindstaff, RJ, Grindstaff RR & Sullivan MJ (2002) Fos
immunoreactivity in the diagonal band and the perinuclear zone of the supraoptic
nucleus after hypertension and hypervolemia in unanesthetized rats. J. Neuroendo.
14: 219-227.
33. Cunningham J.T. Bruno, S.B., Higgs, K.A.N. & Sullivan, M.J. (2002).
Intrapericardial procaine affects volume expansion-induced Fos Immunoreactivity in
unanesthetized rats. Exp. Neurol. 174: 181-192.
34. Lohmeier, T.E., Warren,S. & Cunnungham J.T. (2003). Sustained activation of
the central baroreceptor pathway in obesity hypertension. Hypertension 42(1):96-102.
35. Foley CM, Stanton JJ, Hasser EM, Cunningham JT, Price EM, Heesch CM.
(2003). GABAa receptor 1, 2, and 3 subunit expression in discrete cardiovascular
related brainstem regions in nonpregnant and pregnant rats. Brain Research 975(1-
36. Sullivan, M.J., Cunningham, J.T., Mazzella, D., Allen, A.M. Nissen, R., & Renaud
L.P. (2003) Lesions of the diagonal band of Broca enhance drinking in the rat. J
Neuroendo. 15: 907-915.
37. Howe BM, Stiegers RL, Higgs KAN, Bruno SB Cunningham JT (2004). FosB
expression in the central nervous system following isotonic volume expansion in
unanaesthetized rats. Exp. Neurol.. 187(1):190-8.
38. Sullivan, M.J., Hasser, E.M., Moffitt, J.A., Bruno, S.B. & Cunningham, J.T. (2004)
Rats exhibit aldosterone dependent sodium appetite during 24 h hindlimb unloading.
J. Physiol. 557(Pt 2):661-70.
39. Cunningham JT, Penny ML, Murphy D. (2004). Cardiovascular regulation of
supraoptic neurons in the rat: synaptic inputs and cellular signals. Prog. Molec
Neurobiol. 84: 183-196.
40. Stocker S, Cunningham JT, Toney GL (2004). Water deprivation increases Fos
immunoreactivity in PVN autonomic neurons with projections to the spinal cord and
rostral ventrolateral medulla. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative
& Comparative Physiology. 287: R1172-R1183.
41. Ji LL, Penny ML, Flemming T, Toney GM, Cunningham JT (2005). Effects of
water deprivation and rehydration on c-Fos and FosB staining in the supraoptic
nucleus and the lamina terminalis region. American Journal of Physiology -
Regulatory Integrative & Comparative Physiology. 288: R311-R321.
42. Penny ML, Cornelius J, Bruno SB, Higgs KAN, Cunningham JT (2005). The
effects of osmotic stimulation and water availability on c-Fos and FosB staining in the
Supraoptic and Paraventricular nuclei of the Hypothalamus. Experimental Neurology.
43. Lohmeier TE, Hildebradt DA, May P, Warren SE, Cunningham JT (2005).Recent
insight into interaction between the baroreflex and the kidneys in hypertension.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative & Comparative Physiology.
288: R828-R836.
44. Mueller PJ, Sullivan MJ, Grindstaff RR, Cunningham JT and Hasser EM (2006)
Regulation of plasma vasopressin and renin acitivty in conscious hindlimb unloaded
rats. Am J. Physiol. – Reg. Int. Comp. 291(1): R46-52.
45. Gottleib HL, Ji LL, Penny ML, Fleming T and Cunningham JT (2006). Differential
effects of water and saline intake on water deprivation induced c-Fos staining in the
rat. Am J. Physiol. – Reg. Int. Comp. 290(5):R1251-1261.
46. Mueller, P. J., Foley, C. M., Heesch, C. M., Cunningham, J. T., Zheng, H., Patel,
K. P. and Hasser, E. M. (2006) Increased nitric oxide synthase activity and expression
in the hypothalamus of hindlimb unloaded rats. Brain Res, 1115, 65-74.
47. Ji LL, Gottlieb HB, Penny ML, Fleming T, Toney GM, Cunningham JT (2007)
Differential effects of water deprivation and rehydration on Fos and FosB/DeltaFosB
staining in the rat brainstem. Exp Neurol 203:445-456.
48. Cunningham JT, Herrera-Rosales M, Martinez MA, Mifflin S (2007) Identification
of active central nervous system sites in renal wrap hypertensive rats. Hypertension
49. Gottlieb, H. B., Fleming, T. M., Ji, L. and Cunningham, J. T. (2007) Identification
of central nervous system sites involved in the water diuresis response elicited by
central microinjection of nociceptin/ Orphanin FQ in conscious rats via c-Fos and
inducible cAMP early repressor immunocytochemistry. J Neuroendocrinol, 19, 531-
50. Cunningham, J. T., Mifflin, S. W., Gould, G. G. and Frazer, A. (2008) Induction of
c-Fos and DeltaFosB immunoreactivity in rat brain by Vagal nerve stimulation.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 33, 1884-1895.
51. Shi, P., Martinez, M. A., Calderon, A. S., Chen, Q. H., Cunningham, J. T., &
Toney, G. M. (2008). Intra-carotid hyperosmotic stimulation increases Fos staining in
forebrain organum vasculosum laminae terminalis neurones that project to the
hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. Journal Of Physiology-London, 586(21), 5231-
52. Zhang, W. R., Carreno, F. R., Cunningham, J. T., & Mifflin, S. W. (2008). Chronic
sustained and intermittent hypoxia reduce function of ATP-sensitive potassium
channels in nucleus of the solitary tract. American Journal Of Physiology-Regulatory
Integrative And Comparative Physiology, 295(5), R1555-R1562.
53. Ma, S., Mifflin, S. W., Cunningham, J. T. and Morilak, D. A. (2008) Chronic
intermittent hypoxia sensitizes acute hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress reactivity
and Fos induction in the rat locus coeruleus in response to subsequent immobilization
stress. Neuroscience, 154, 1639-1647.
54. Carreno, F. R., Ji, L. L., & Cunningham, J. T. (2009). Altered central TRPV4
expression and lipid raft association related to inappropriate vasopressin
secretion in cirrhotic rats. American Journal Of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative And
Comparative Physiology, 296(2), R454-R466.
55. Zhang, W. R., Carreno, F. R., Cunningham, J. T., & Mifflin, S. W. (2009). Chronic
Sustained Hypoxia Enhances Both Evoked EPSCs and Norepinephrine Inhibition of
Glutamatergic Afferent Inputs in the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract. Journal Of
Neuroscience, 29(10), 3093-3102.
56. Knight, W. D., Ji, L. L., Little, J. T., & Cunningham, J. T. (2010). Dehydration
followed by sham rehydration contributes to reduced neuronal activation in
vasopressinergic supraoptic neurons after water deprivation. American Journal of
Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 299(5), R1232-
R1240. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00066.2010
57. Knight WD, Little JT, Carreno FR, Toney GM, Mifflin SW & Cunningham JT
(2011). Chronic intermittent hypoxia increases blood pressure and expression of
FosB/ΔFosB in central autonomic regions. American Journal of Physiology -
Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 301, R131-R139.
58. Carreno FR, Walch JD, Dutta M, Nedungadi TP & Cunningham JT (2011). Brainderived
neurotrophic factor-tyrosine kinase B pathway mediates NMDA receptor
NR2B subunit phosphorylation in the supraoptic nuclei following progressive
dehydration. J Neuroendocrinol 23, 894-905.
59. Gottlieb HB, Ji LL, Cunningham JT (2011) Role of superior laryngeal nerve and
Fos staining following dehydration and rehydration in the rat. Physiology and Behavior
60. Cunningham JT, Knight WD, Mifflin SW & Nestler EJ (2012). An Essential Role
for {Delta}FosB in the Median Preoptic Nucleus in the Sustained Hypertensive Effects
of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia. Hypertension 60, 179-187.
61. Nedungadi TP, Carreno FR, Walch JD, Bathina CS & Cunningham JT (2012).
Region-specific changes in transient receptor potential vanilloid channel expression in
the vasopressin magnocellular system in hepatic cirrhosis-induced hyponatraemia. J
Neuroendocrinol 24, 642-652.
62. Nedungadi TP, Dutta M, Bathina CS, Caterina MJ & Cunningham JT (2012).
Expression and distribution of TRPV2 in rat brain. Exp Neurol 237, 223-237.
63. Yao ST, Gouraud SS, Qiu J, Cunningham JT, Paton JFR, Murphy D (2012)
Selective Up-Regulation of JunD Transcript and Protein Expression in
Vasopressinergic Supraoptic Nucleus Neurones in Water-Deprived Rats. Journal of
Neuroendocrinology 24:1542-1552.
64. Cunningham JT, Nedungadi TP, Walch JD, Nestler EJ & Gottlieb HB (2012).
{Delta}FosB in the supraoptic nucleus contributes to hyponatremia in rats with
cirrhosis. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 303, R177-185.
65. Bathina CS, Rajulapati A, Franzke M, Yamamoto K, Cunningham JT, Mifflin S
(2013) Knockdown of tyrosine hydroxylase in the nucleus of the solitary tract reduces
elevated blood pressure during chronic intermittent hypoxia. Am J Physiol Regul
Integr Comp Physiol 305:R1031-1039.
66. Knight WD, Saxena A, Shell B, Nedungadi TP, Mifflin SW, Cunningham JT
(2013) Central losartan attenuates increases in arterial pressure and expression of
FosB/ΔFosB along the autonomic axis associated with chronic intermittent hypoxia.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
67. Sharpe AL, Calderon AS, Andrade MA, Cunningham JT, Mifflin SW, Toney GM
(2013) Chronic intermittent hypoxia increases sympathetic control of blood pressure:
role of neuronal activity in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. Am J Physiol
Heart Circ Physiol 305:H1772-1780.
68. Walch JD, Carreño FR, Cunningham JT (2013) Intracerebroventricular losartan
infusion modulates angiotensin II type 1 receptor expression in the subfornical organ
and drinking behaviour in bile-duct-ligated rats. Experimental Physiology 98:922-933.
69. Wang Y, Ding M, Chaudhari S, Ding Y, Yuan J, Stankowska D, He S,
Krishnamoorthy R, Cunningham JT, Ma R (2013) Nuclear Factor κB Mediates
Suppression of Canonical Transient Receptor Potential 6 Expression by Reactive
Oxygen Species and Protein Kinase C in Kidney Cells. Journal of Biological
Chemistry 288:12852-12865.
70. Cunningham JT (2013) Editorial Focus: the brain renin-angiotensin system and
hypertension. Focus on: hypertension in mice with transgenic activation of the brain
renin-angiotensin system is vasopressin dependent. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp
Physiol 305:R173-174.
71. Nedungadi TP, Cunningham JT (2014) Differential regulation of TRPC4 in the
vasopressin magnocellular system by water deprivation and hepatic cirrhosis in the
rat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 306:R304-314.
72. Saxena A, Bachelor M, Park YH, Carreno FR, Nedungadi TP, Cunningham JT
(2014) Angiotensin II induces membrane trafficking of natively-expressed Transient
Receptor Potential vanilloid type 4 channels in hypothalamic 4B cells. Am J Physiol
Regul Integr Comp Physiol 307:R945-R955.
73. Walch JD, Nedungadi TP, Cunningham JT (2014) ANG II receptor subtype 1a
gene knockdown in the subfornical organ prevents increased drinking behavior in bile
duct-ligated rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 307:R597-607.
74. Choe KY, Han SY, Gaub P, Shell B, Voisin DL, Knapp BA, Barker PA, Brown CH,
Cunningham JT, Bourque CW (2015) High Salt Intake Increases Blood Pressure via
BDNF-Mediated Downregulation of KCC2 and Impaired Baroreflex Inhibition of
Vasopressin Neurons. Neuron 85:549-560.
75. Saxena A, Little JT, Nedungadi TP, Cunningham JT (2015) Angiotensin II type 1a
receptors in subfornical organ contribute towards chronic intermittent hypoxiaassociated
sustained increase in mean arterial pressure. Am J Physiol Heart Circ
Physiol 308:H435-446.
76. Carmichael CY, Carmichael AC, Kuwabara JT, Cunningham JT, Wainford RD
(2016), Impaired sodium-evoked paraventricular nucleus neuronal activation and
blood pressure regulation in conscious Sprague-Dawley rats lacking central Galphai2
proteins. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 216:314-329. doi: 310.1111/apha.12610. Epub 12015 Oct
77. Faulk K, Shell B, Nedungadi TP, Cunningham JT (2017), Role of angiotensinconverting
enzyme 1 within the median preoptic nucleus following chronic intermittent
hypoxia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 312:R245-r252.
78. Faulk KE, Nedungadi TP, Cunningham JT (2017), Angiotensin converting
enzyme 1 in the median preoptic nucleus contributes to chronic intermittent hypoxia
hypertension. Physiological reports 5.
79. Snyder B, Shell B, Cunningham JT, Cunningham RL (2017), Chronic intermittent
hypoxia induces oxidative stress and inflammation in brain regions associated with
early-stage neurodegeneration. Physiological reports 5.
80. Balapattabi K, Little JT, Farmer GE, Cunningham JT (2018), High salt loading
increases brain derived neurotrophic factor in supraoptic vasopressin neurones. J
Neuroendocrinol 30:e12639.
81. Farmer GE, Balapattabi K, Bachelor ME, Little JT, Cunningham JT (2018), AT1a
influences GABAA-mediated inhibition through regulation of KCC2 expression. Am J
Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 315:R972-r982.
82. Wu Q, Cunningham JT, Mifflin S (2018), Transcription factor DeltaFosB acts
within the nucleus of the solitary tract to increase mean arterial pressure during
exposures to intermittent hypoxia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 314:H270-h277.
83. Balapattabi K, Farmer GE, Knapp BA, Little JT, Bachelor M, Yuan JP,
Cunningham JT (2019), Effects of Salt Loading on Supraoptic Vasopressin Neurons
Assessed by ClopHensorN Chloride Imaging. J Neuroendocrinol:e12752.
84. Farmer GE, Amune A, Bachelor ME, Duong P, Yuan JP, Cunningham JT (2019),
Sniffer cells for the detection of neural Angiotensin II in vitro. Scientific reports 9:8820.
85. Frame AA, Carmichael CY, Kuwabara JT, Cunningham JT, Wainford RD (2019),
Role of the afferent renal nerves in sodium homeostasis and blood pressure
regulation in rats. Exp Physiol.
86. Marciante AB, Wang LA, Farmer GE, Cunningham JT (2019), Selectively
Inhibiting the Median Preoptic Nucleus Attenuates Angiotensin II and Hyperosmotic-
Induced Drinking Behavior and Vasopressin Release in Adult Male Rats. eNeuro 6.
87. Balapattabi K, Little JT, Bachelor M, Cunningham JT (2020), Brain-Derived
Neurotrophic Factor and Supraoptic Vasopressin Neurons in Hyponatremia.
Neuroendocrinology 110:630-641.
88. Carmichael CY, Kuwabara JT, Pascale CL, Moreira JD, Mahne SE, Kapusta DR,
Rosene DL, Williams JS, et al. (2020), Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus
Galphai2 (Guanine Nucleotide-Binding Protein Alpha Inhibiting Activity Polypeptide 2)
Protein-Mediated Neural Control of the Kidney and the Salt Sensitivity of Blood
Pressure. Hypertension 75:1002-1011.
89. Marciante AB, Farmer GE, Cunningham JT (2020), G(q) DREADD activation of
CaMKIIa MnPO neurons stimulates nitric oxide activity. J Neurophysiol 124:591-609.
90. Marciante AB, Wang LA, Little JT, Cunningham JT (2020), Caspase lesions of
PVN-projecting MnPO neurons block the sustained component of CIH-induced
hypertension in adult male rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 318:H34-h48.
91. Balapattabi K, Little JT, Bachelor ME, Cunningham RL, Cunningham JT (2021),
Sex Differences in the Regulation of Vasopressin and Oxytocin Secretion in Bile Duct-
Ligated Rats. Neuroendocrinology 111:237-248.
92. Farmer GE, Little JT, Marciante AB, Cunningham JT (2021), AT1a-dependent
GABA(A) inhibition in the MnPO following chronic intermittent hypoxia. Am J Physiol
Regul Integr Comp Physiol 321:R469-r481.
93. Kasanga EA, Little J, McInnis TR, Bugnariu N, Cunningham JT, Salvatore MF
(2021), Cardiovascular Metrics Associated With Prevention of Aging-Related
Parkinsonian Signs Following Exercise Intervention in Sedentary Older Rats. Front
Aging Neurosci 13:775355.
94. Marciante AB, Shell B, Farmer GE, Cunningham JT (2021), Role of angiotensin II
in chronic intermittent hypoxia-induced hypertension and cognitive decline. Am J
Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 320:R519-r525.
95. Aikins AO, Little JT, Rybalchenko N, Cunningham JT (2022), Norepinephrine
innervation of the supraoptic nucleus contributes to increased copeptin and dilutional
hyponatremia in male rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 323:R797-r809.
96. Jia S, Rybalchenko N, Kunwar K, Farmer GE, Jr., Little JT, Toney GM,
Cunningham JT (2022), Chronic intermittent hypoxia enhances glycinergic inhibition
in nucleus tractus solitarius. J Neurophysiol 128:1383-1394.
97. Salvatore MF, Soto I, Kasanga EA, James R, Shifflet MK, Doshier K, Little JT,
John J, et al. (2022), Establishing Equivalent Aerobic Exercise Parameters Between
Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease and Pink1 Knockout Rats. J Parkinsons Dis
98. Aikins AO, Farmer GE, Little JT, Cunningham JT (2023) Effects of bile duct ligation
on the inhibitory control of supraoptic vasopressin neurons. J Neuroendocrinol
99. Nguyen DH, Duque V, Phillips N, Mecawi AS, Cunningham JT (2023) Spatial
transcriptomics reveal basal sex differences in supraoptic nucleus gene expression of
adult rats related to cell signaling and ribosomal pathways. Biol Sex Differ 14:71.
See complete list on attached resume.