Chieh Chen, PhD

Research Assistant Professor
Mail Stop 1359 | 8447 Riverside Pkwy
Phone: 979.436.9153
Dr. Chen is a neuroscientist with special interest in mental disorders, gonadal hormones, sexual differentiation and development of the nervous system. Current research projects examine the etiology, risk/resilience factors, and neurobiology/neuroanatomy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Career research highlights include the identification of androgen receptor activation as the mechanism by which testosterone exerts its anxiolytic effects, and, most recently, the role of female gonadal hormones in the higher risk of PTSD development in females after trauma. Her research is supported by the Department of Defense and by the Texas A&M University, Clinical Science and Translational Research Institute. She has served as a scientific voting executive board member on the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs, as president and treasurer of the Michigan State University Chapter's Association for Women in Science, and as judge for the Texas A&M Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience and the Texas Junior Academy of Science.Education and Training
- University of Michigan, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014-2018
- Michigan State University, Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2013
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.A. in Psychology and French, 2004
Professional Certifications
- 2018 - College Teaching in Science and Engineering Award, Postdoctoral Course Certificate
- 2011 - Lecturer: Brain and Behavior
- 2009 - Future Academic Scholars in Teaching (FAST) Fellowship
Research Interests
- Mental disorders (PTSD, anxiety)
- Sex differences
- Neuroendocrinology Developmental
- Neurobiology
Teaching Interests
- Neuroscience
- Psychology
Awards, Recognition and Service
- 2019 - Grant: Department of Defense Discovery Award
- 2019 - Grant: Clinical Science and Translational Research Pilot Grant
- 2019 - Judge for Texas Junior Academy of Science
- 2018 - Honorary Mention Award – Poster Presentation, Texas A&M Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience
- 2018 - College Teaching in Science and Engineering Award, Postdoctoral Course Certificate
- 2014-2017 - Scientific voting executive board member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- 2015 - Supplement to R01 MH60670 – Effects of female gonadal hormones on sleep and memory
- 2013 - The Graduate School Travel Award
- 2013 - Judge at the Annual University Undergraduate Research Forum at MSU
- 2012 - Psychology Department Travel Award
- 2012 - Brain Bee at MSU for local high school students
- 2012 - Dissertation Completion Fellowship
- 2012 - Judge at the Annual University Undergraduate Research Forum at MSU
- 2012 - Research Enhancement Award 2010 - Psychology Department Travel Award
- 2009 - Chair and Treasurer, Michigan State University Association for Women in Science Chapter
- 2009 - Council of Graduate Students Conference Grant
- 2009 - Future Academic Scholars in Teaching (FAST) Fellowship
- 2009 - 1st Place Award: 2009 Michigan State University, Graduate Academic Conference - Ongoing Research. Chen, C.V., Jordan, C., Breedlove, M. Importance of Androgen Receptors in Anxiety-Related Behavior Using the CreLox Mouse Model. Poster presentation.
- 2009 - Graduate School Conference Fellowship
- 2007 - Graduate School Travel Award
- 2007 - Lecture/workshop at local high school for Brain awareness week
- 2007 - Psychology Department Travel Award
- 2006 - Lecture/workshop at local high school for Brain awareness week
- Society for Neuroscience
- Society for Neuroendocrinology
- Association for Women in Science
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America