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Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee

2022-2023 Chairs
  • Laura C. West, PhD
  • Rob Milman, MD
  • Marietta Clewing, MD
  • Gregg Wells, MD, PhD
2023-2023 Chair Elect
  • Shannon Glaser, PhD
Committee Staff Support
  • Buddy (George) Saxon


The Curriculum Committee is the body charged with leading, directing, coordinating, controlling, planning, evaluating, and reporting on the curriculum leading to the degree, Doctor of Medicine. The Curriculum Committee is responsible for establishing, defining, and ongoing review of the curriculum for the School of Medicine.  The Curriculum Committee is committed to working collaboratively with the Office of Medical Education and its entities.

The Committee is responsible for the following specific duties:

  • Establishing the requirements for the degree, Doctor of Medicine;
  • Overall managing the curriculum, including design, coordination, evaluation, and reporting;
  • Establishing, publishing and periodically reviewing/updating the MED’s Medical Education Program Objectives as a blueprint for curriculum design; 
  • Assuring alignment of the objectives, pedagogical methods and student assessment used in each course and clerkship with the Medical Education Program Objectives of the School of Medicine;
  • Assuring and documenting student attainment of the stated Medical Education Program Objectives;
  • Assuring that the various segments of the curriculum are presented in a logical sequence;
  • Coordinating and integrating content within and across academic periods of study; 
  • Establishing methods of pedagogy and student assessment that are appropriate for the achievement of the Curriculum’s educational objectives; 
  • Monitoring of content and workload in each discipline, including the identification of omissions and unplanned redundancies;
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and, where necessary, mandating necessary improvements to each specific course and clerkship, each phase as a whole, and the curriculum as a whole to allow MED to achieve its stated educational objectives; and
  • Documentation of the accomplishment of these tasks in the minutes of Committee meetings. 
The Curriculum Committee shall inform the Academic Council and the Dean of its decisions and actions.
The Chair shall appoint task-oriented subcommittees and task forces as needed to address specific issues and/or ongoing curriculum-related functions.  Subcommittees may be required to meet more frequently than the parent committee to accomplish their charge.  Subcommittees and task forces shall report to the full Committee as needed.