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C’Brionne Hendrix

1st Year Medical Sciences PhD Student

Introducing C’Brionne Hendrix, 1st Year Medical Sciences PhD Student

CBrionne Hendrix

What degrees do you hold and from what institutions?

  1. B.S. Biology -Prairie View A&M University
  2. M.S. Biomedical -Sciences University of Texas Medical Branch

What excites you about joining Texas A&M School of Medicine for your PhD studies?

I am excited to collaborate with other scientists and learn as much as I can.

If you could meet any scientist throughout history, who would you want to meet and why?

Mae Jemison. My dream job was to be an astronaut when I was younger. I have always admired the contributions she has made to science.

Tell us something you are passionate about apart from research.

I am really passionate about spending time with my family and friends.